Warms my heart, i can see the effort put into it, to make the best possible look with the least amount of resources, which are colors in this context. Every pixel placement counts, the color harmony works flawlessly,
Warms my heart, i can see the effort put into it, to make the best possible look with the least amount of resources, which are colors in this context. Every pixel placement counts, the color harmony works flawlessly,
Thank You!!
One of the things I love the most about pixel art is working with limited sizes and color palletes, as it makes you come up with clever ways to imply details and shapes, and to reuse the little amount of colors you have in very interesting and weird ways. As you said "Every pixel placement counts" and that makes for an extra challenge that I find super fun!
PhilhtheePEASANT said that Youtube went from the best website to the worst but tbh TikTok is way worse. You think YouTube doesn't have features like the dislike or the ability to listen to it in the background on phones? Well, on TikTok you can't do the second even on computers and can't move the time of the video, so it forces you to watch it till the end then watch again if you missed anything xD.
Yeah but still it is like YouTube begs everyone to stop using their stinking service.
looks like an nft
because it's worth well over a million bucks?
lost her limbs to 50 cal
She's ripped
looks like the guy that says among us
Age 22
Joined on 6/22/20